We are Kukułeczka!
“…z życiem! z głosem! z sercem! Kukułeczka!….”
Folking it up since 1991

Wednesday 7:30-9:30pm
Friday 8:00-10:00pm

Intermediate 2
Year 5 to Year 7
Friday 6:00 – 7:30pm

Intermediate 1
Year 2 to Year 4
Friday 6:00 – 7:00pm
Thinking about trying some folk dance, visit us at Cracovia Club @ 375 Marshall Road, Bennett Springs.

Kindy to Year 1
Friday 5:15 – 6:00pm

Tiny Tots
Daycare to Pre-Kindy
Friday 4:30 – 5:00pm

Adults who want a slower pace and some folk social dance
Friday 7:30 – 8:30pm

“…We’re truly blessed to have the most skilled and dedicated teachers to educate our dancers, singers and musicians….”
Anna Trajanovski – President of Kukułeczka Perth

“…Kuku is like being part of an extended family. Our Kuku family is in our hearts, bonded together for life, no matter where we are ….”

“…We have been very fortunate to have had so many dedicated leaders, teachers, parents, dancers and families who have all played their part to develop Kukułeczka into the vibrant, friendly and entertaining organisation that we are today….”
Kasia Jayasekera – Vice-President of Kukułeczka Perth
Make a contribution
Kukułeczka is a not-for-profit organisation. Just a small donation can help Kukułeczka. All donations are appreciated and will go towards funding costumes, dance materials and performances.